Asot Haas

Born 1981 in Moscow / Live in Slovakia

Secondary Grammer School of Fine Arts – Plastic Stone Art – V. Pohanka- 1996 - 2000
Academy of fine arts and design (AFAD) Department of Industrial Design – F. Chrenka- 2000 - 2002
AFAD Department of Transport Design – Š. Klein- 2002- 2003
AFAD Department of Applied Arts – Glass Design – J. Gavula- 2004 - 2005
AFAD Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation – J. Meliš- 2004 – 2007

Solo exhibitions

2023 - INSIGHT / SNM – Natural History Museum / Bratislava / SLOVAKIA
2023 - ASOT HAAS / Tower 5 Gallery / Bratislava / SLOVAKIA
2023 - BOLD ASOT HAAS / Gal Gaon Gallery / Tel Avive / ISRAEL
2021 - RESONANCE OF LIGHT/ ASOT HAAS & KVANT/ Incheba Expo Arena/ Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2020 - ASOT HAAS - Bellart Gallery - Vienna - AUSTRIA
2019 - ASOT HAAS - Kunsthalle/ Hala umenia Košice - SLOVAKIA
2018 - R.O.S. - Turiec Gallery - Martin - SLOVAKIA
2017 - INSIDE - Rosenfeld´s palace - Žilina - SLOVAKIA
2017 - EXPLOSION - Kasárne/ Kulturpark, Gallery Alfa - Kosice - SLOVAKIA
2017 - RESONANCE OF SOUND - White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2015 - AH - Creutzberg | Van Dun Contemporary Art Galleries - Oisterwijk - NEDERLAND
2015 - Světlo tančí v kruhu - Gallery Zavodny - Mikulov - CZECH REPUBLIC
2015 - Universe in Space - Oravská galéria Dolný Kubín - SLOVAKIA
2014 - LAYOUT / LIGHT OUT - River Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2013 - INSIDE - Nedbalka Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2013 - Ašot Haas - Zoya Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2013 - Lit up ! - Dvorak Sec Contemporary - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2013 - AxBxC - TRIVJEDNOM - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2012 - ZA HRANICAMI GEOMETRIE ? - Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka - Nové Zámky - SLOVAKIA
2012 - INSTABILITY OF GEOMETRY - Považská galéria umenia v Žiline - SLOVAKIA
2011 - PLUS/MINUS - Gallery + - 0,0 - Žilina - SLOVAKIA
2010 - AŠOT HAAS & NENAD BRANKOVIC / 3366 - Art Gallery Nova - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2010 - Ausflügler AH - Hotel Begardenhof - Köln am Rhein - GERMANY
2009/10 - ART FROM CODE - individual exhibition - gallery Z - BA - SLOVAKIA
2009 - PUZZLE - Ašot Haas & Nenad Brankovič - Art Gallery Nova - BA - SLOVAKIA
2007 - O in O – individual exhibition – Art Gallery Nova - BA - SLOVAKIA

Works in collections
TATRA BANKA - Private banking
Bratislava, SK
DSC Gallery
Praha, CZ
Bratislava, SK
ZOYA Gallery
Bratislava, SK
SOGA Auction Company
Bratislava, SK
The Orava Gallery
Dolny Kubin, SK
Gallery NOVA
Bratislava, SK
Mikulov, CZ
Gallery GIK
Bratislava, SK
Bratislava, SK
J&T Banka - Private collection

In domestic and international private collections.


Ocenenie Krištáľové krídlo/  Výtvarné umenie/ Slovensko

MUSE/ Creative Awards - GOLD WINNER - Asot Haas & Kvant / Resonance of Light
Experiential & Immersive / Exhibition Experience / New York

ILDA Awards / 2nd Innovative/ Art / "ASOT", KVANT Ltd/ Frankfurt am Main - Germany

1.Cena Galérie NOVA za sklo - CZ/SK 1st place for Glass Award Gallery NOVA - CZ/SK

1.miesto za krátkometrážny film “MOTHER WIT” prezentovanom na mezinarodnom filmovom festivale - IFF Bratislava / Movie Festival IFF Bratislava - 1st place for 1 minute movie “mother wit”

Group exhibitions

2022 - ‎ Slovak Institute in Jerusalem - EXPEDITION 10 - Jerusalem - ISRAEL
2022 - HERE WE ARE – Exhibition #4 -  Wouter Nijland, Art van Triest, Annett Zinsmeister, Vera Meulendijks. SPECIAL // Asot Haas - MPV GALLERY OISTERWIJK - HOLLAND
2020 - Slovak Glass - Conches Glass Museum - Conches en Ouche - FRANCE
2020 - Dokopydanie - Gallery Smecky - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2019 - Laser Lighting Art - Prolight+Sound 2019, Frankfurt - GERMANY
2018 - HOMO FABER - Michelangelo Foundation - Venice - ITALY
2018 - Dokopydanie - Gallery Z - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2016 - Edition 2016 - Soda Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2016 - EXPEDITION 8+ - Fábrica de Arte Cubano - Havana - CUBA
2016 - START - Saatchi Gallery - London - ENGLAND
2016 - Verre Contemporain Slovaque - Halle du Verre - Claret - FRANCE
2016 - Za hranicami geometrie - Gallery Art Capital - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2015/2016 - glassplus à la borges aneb zrcadlo a maskáč - Gallery DSC - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2015 - Glassplus à la Borges aneb Zrcadlo a maskáč - Gallery DSC - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2015 - 85th anniversary ŠUV J.Vydra - Zoya Museum - Modra - SLOVAKIA
2015 - SCULPTURE and OBJECT XX. - Nedbalka Gallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2015 - ET CETERA - MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts - Rome - Italy
2015 - From painting to object - Gallery Gagarinka - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2014 - KK-SK / Pocta Štefanovi Belohradskému - Gallery-Z, Zichy Palace - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2014 - hladiny / surfaces - Slovak Glass Museum Lednické Rovne - Lednické Rovne - SLOVAKIA
2014 - Paper obsessed + 2 - Dvorak Sec Contemporary - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2014 - Slovak Now! - Dvorak Sec Contemporary - Praha - CZECH REPUBLIC
2014 - COBURGER Glaspreis 2014 - Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas - GERMANY
2013 - Slovak Contemporary Glass, Levant Art Gallery - Shanghai - CHINA
2012 - SCULPTURE and OBJECT XVII - Nation Centrum of Enlightenment - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2012 - European Glass Context 2012 - Bornholm - DENMARK
2011/2012 - GEOMATHART - Touring exhibition in POLAND / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA & USA / New York
2011 - Slovak Glass Art - Gallery NOVA Project - Beirut's Souks - Jewelry Souk - Beirut - LEBANON
2011 - Glass Presentation - Plateaux Gallery - London - UNITED KINGDOM
2011 - Voices Live 24 - Heineken Tower Stage - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2011 - GLASSART - Galarie Mark Peet Visser - Parade 29, 5211KL 's-Hertogenbosch - HOLLAND
2011 - SCULPTURE and OBJECT XVI. - Gallery Kressling - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2011 - GLASS AWARDS GALLERY NOVA - GLASS 2011 - Gallery Medium - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2011 - Gallery Medium - Bratislava - SK /
2011 - CONTEMPORARY SLOVAKIAN GEOMETRY 2 - Pilsen Municipal Gallery - Pilsner - CZECH REPUBLIC
2010 - Pecha Kucha Night Žilina Volume 13 - SK
2010 - GLASSART - Galarie Mark Peet Visser - Parade 29, 5211KL 's-Hertogenbosch - HOLLAND
2010 - Rings in water 2010 - The Centre for Folk Art Production Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2010 - Light in art, the light within us - City Gallery of Bratislava - Mirbach Palace - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2010 - AFTER HOURS - The Orange County Center for Contemporary Arts - OCCCA - Santa Ana - California - USA
2010 - SCULPTURE and OBJECT XV - International exhibition of large-scale sculptures - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2010 - VAN PRIMAVERA 2010 ART - Rotterdam - HOLLAND
2009 - BORDERS OF GEOMETRY - collective exhibition - Nation Centrum of Enlightenment - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2009 - Black & White - Kressling Gallery - collective exhibition - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2009 - Award of Glass - collective exhibition - ViaGallery - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2009 - HRANICE GEOMETRIE - Gallery-Z, Zichy Palace - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2007 - Bennial of Applied Arts – Nation Centrum of Enlightenment - Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2007 - Art Gallery Nova Award of Glass – Zichy Palace – Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2007 - European contemporary art fair - Strasbourg Wacken - FRANCE
2006 - International Film Festival Bratislava - SLOVAKIA
2006 - Movie Festival Azyl – 1st place for 1 minute movie “mother wit“
