technique: screen printing | dimensions: 50 x 50 cm | year: 2015
Sun, the closest star to Earth, the star we are fully dependent on and which life on our planet wouldn’t exist without, has been the inspiring object for a collection of graphics named the SUN. Images of the Sun taken by Hubble Telescope were transformed in 3D and subsequently visualized in different perspectives. This way the graphics themselves become solar flares and create a metaphor for the ever-mysterious transfer of life-giving energy from the Sun to Earth. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Slnko ako najbližšia hviezda, od ktorej sme priamo závislí a bez ktorej by naša planéta neexistovala, sa stalo východiskom pre sériu grafík pod názvom SUN. Fotografie Slnka, získané pomocou Hubblovho teleskopu, sú cez štrukturálnu siet transformované do 3D a následne vizualizované v rôznych perspektívach. Stávajú sa tak samy osebe explóziami energie, ktoré prebiehajú na povrchu Slnka, a sú metaforou mystického prenosu životodarnej energie z hviezdy na Zem.